To avoid implementation problems we recommend using
a Wireless Access Point device (e.g. Philips CPWBS054)
in combination with a wireless Ethernet bridge (also
called a “Game adapter”).
Wireless devices use a wireless protocol to
communicate by means of radio waves.Wireless radio
waves travel outwards from the antenna in all directions,
and can transmit through walls and floors.
Wireless radio waves can theoretically reach up to 100
meters in an open environment. Practically it could be
less than 10 meters depending on the type of walls and
floors in your home and other environmental
conditions.The content playback quality will depend on
the wireless signal quality and the connection type.
•It is recommended to buy a Wireless Access Point
supporting 802.11 a/b/g or b/g.The a-type devices are ideal
for transferring good video quality and the g-type devices
are sufficient for good audio quality.The b-type devices are
not suitable for good video streaming.
•Do not use an ad-hoc wireless connection (TV-PC) as it
limits your bandwidth.
If you have problems or questions or if you feel
you don’t have sufficient knowledge about PC
connectivity and PC networking, please contact
your PC or TV retailer to assist you.
Always try to reduce the number of wireless
connections.You will in most cases not be able
to stream video if both PC and TV are
connected wireless to the network.
Consult the list of recommended wireless
Ethernet bridges on the Philips support
website: www.philips.com/support
Connection Playback quality
Wired Video ++++
Music ++++
Pictures ++++
8201.11a Video ++
wireless Music +++
Pictures +++
802.11g Video +
wireless Music +++
Pictures +++
802.11b Video -
wireless Music +++
Pictures +++
Annex 1 : Creating a wireless network connection