Vertical Squeeze
Movies and other new programmes may in the future be broadcast in a Wide
Screen format.
Satellite programmes in the Wide Screen picture format recorded on a video
recorder or prerecorded Wide Screen tapes can be reproduced on a normal
TV screen in a conventional picture format.
4 Press E.
5 The picture is compressed.
There are black bars at the top and bottom of the screen.
5 The message Vertical Squeeze appears for a moment in the left upper
corner of the screen.
4 Press E again to switch off vertical squeeze.
When you have a Wide Screen format video recorder connected with a
eurocable, the pictures will be compressed automatically.
Bilingual broadcast
4 Press the key e repeatedly to select language f or g when the TV channel
broadcasts in 2 languages, dubbed or original language (e.g. Eurosport) or to
select analogue or digital when the TV channel broadcasts in digital sound.
5 Dual f or g appears briefly on the screen.
The setting is stored in the memory for the selected TV channel when
switching to another TV channel or to standby.
You can select Dual for each TV channel separately.
Information on screen
After the selection of a TV channel or a programme from a peripheral or after
pressing the key
J the following information may appear briefly or
continuously on your screen :
• the programme number and name of the selected TV channel
• information from the broadcaster in a bar at the bottom of the screen
(e.g. the name of the TV channel, the programme title or another message)
• Digital Sound available if the TV channel transmits digital sound
• the currently selected sound mode if the TV channel transmits stereo or
digital sound (not with a programme from a peripheral or coming from a
c Sound muted when the sound is temporarily interrupted
• the name of the pip connection if PiP is switched on (for sets with the PiP-
option). See Pip, Picture in Picture, p. 24
• Dual
f or g in case of bilingual broadcast
• the input quality of the selected peripheral connected to a euroconnector:
Y/C (S-VHS-quality), CVBS (normal picture quality), RGB (improved picture
quality, eg. from a CD-i, Photo CD,....)
• the selected DNR setting (see p. 22).
Permanent Programme Number
4 Press J for a long time.
5 The permanent programme number remains in the upper right corner of the
screen when it was off, or disappears when it was on.
Select previous programme
4 Press the 2 key.
5 The previously selected TV channel is displayed.