Picture settings
& Press H key followed by the ¬ key to
select PICTURE menu.
é Use the îÏ keys to select a setting and
Ȭ keys to adjust.
Note: during the picture adjustment, only the
selected line remains displayed. Press îÏ
to display the menu again.
“ Once the adjustments have been made, select
Store and press ¬ to store them. Press d
to exit.
DDeessccrriippttiioonn ooff tthhee aaddjjuussttmmeennttss::
•• BBrriigghhttnneessss::
this changes picture brilliance.
•• CCoolloouurr::
this changes the intensity of the colour.
•• CCoonnttrraasstt::
this changes the difference
between the light and dark tones.
this changes the picture definition.
•• CCoolloouurr TTeemmpp..::
this changes the colour
Cool (bluer), Normal (balanced)
Warm (redder).
•• SSttoorree::
to store the picture adjustments and
& Press H, select Features (Ï) and press
You can adjust:
éTimer, Child Lock, Parental Cont.
and Ext-1, Ext2
“ To quit the menus, press d.
Ext-1: You can select the connected External
device type (VCR, Decoder/DVD)
connected to scart 1
Ext-2: You can select the connected External
device type connected to scart 2
While using DVD Player, select
Feature settings
$ Picture
. Sound
• Features
• Install
Picture Î
$ Brightness• Æ -----I--- 38
• Colour
• Contrast
• Sharpness
• Colour Temp
• Store
• Picture
. Sound
$ Features
• Install
Features Î
• Timer
• Child Lock
• Parental Cont.
√ Ext-1
& Press H key followed by the Ïkey until
SOUND is highlighted. Then press
¬ key to
select the SOUND menu.
é Use the îÏ keys to select a setting and
Ȭ keys to adjust.
“ Once the adjustments have been made, select
Store and press
¬ to store these changes.
‘ To quit the menus, press d.
DDeessccrriippttiioonn ooff tthhee sseettttiinnggss::
•• TTrreebbllee::
To adjust treble sound level
•• BBaassss ::
To adjust bass level
•• BBaallaannccee ::
To adjust left/right speaker balance
(Automatic Volume Leveller): this is
used to limit increases in sound, especially on
program change or advertising slots.
•• SSttoorree::
this is used to store the sound settings.
(Sound menu can’t be seen at mono models.)
• Picture
• Features
• Install
• Treble -----I--- 56
• Bass
• Balance
• Store
Sound Adjustment