
For preview purpose only
Technical specifications Product highlights
Date of issue 2006-08-16
Version: 1.0
12 NC: 8670 000 19335
EAN: 87 10895 81130 9
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
© 2006 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Aspect ratio: 4:3
Diagonal screen size: 28 inch / 70 cm
Visible diagonal screen size: 66 cm
Display screen type: Blackline FX picture tube
Picture enhancement: Crystal Clear, Color
Temperature Adjustment, Sharpness
Picture processing: 50 Hz
Sound Enhancement: Ultra Bass
Sound System: Incredible Surround, Nicam
Output power (RMS): 2 x 5 W
Music Power: 10 W
Built-in speakers: 2
Ease of Installation: Autostore, Fine Tuning, PLL
Digital Tuning, Plug & Play, Sorting
Ease of Use: Smart Picture Control, Smart Sound
Control, Watch analogue/record digital, Top
Remote control type: RCLE014
Teletext: 10 page Smart Text
Teletext enhancements: 4 favourite pages,
Program information Line
Remote Control: TV, VCR
Screen Format Adjustments: 16:9 compress, 4:3,
4:3 expand
Clock: Sleep Timer, Smart Clock
Tuner bands: Hyperband, S-Channel, UHF, VHF
TV system: PAL B/G, PAL D/K, PAL I, SECAM B/
Video Playback: NTSC
Aerial Input: 75 ohm coaxial (IEC75)
Number of Preset Channels: 100
Number of Scarts: 2
Ext 1 Scart: CVBS in/out, RGB
Ext 2 Scart: CVBS in/out, S-video in
Other connections: Audio variable level out
Front / Side connections: Audio L/R in, CVBS in,
Headphone out
Headphone: 3.5 mm
Power consumption: 63 W
Standby power consumption: < 1 w
Mains power: AC 220 - 240 V +/- 10%
Product weight: 34 kg
Weight incl. Packaging: 38 kg
Color cabinet: Pearl - White Silver (11092)
Box dimensions (W x H x D):
Set dimensions (W x H x D):
Blackline FX picture tube
Blackline FX is a new Philips tube with dark glass for
better contrast and highly pigmented phosphor giving
brighter and more contrast.
Crystal Clear
Combining picture enhancements like Contrast plus and
color improvement, Crystal Clear improves picture
Sharpness Adjustment
Virtual Dolby Surround
Virtual Dolby Surround is a processing technology for
enhancing surround sound effects. It which create the
sensation of Dolby Pro Logic without the necessity of
additional rear speakers. You become totally immersed
in your television experience.
Smart Picture and Smart Sound
Philips preset modes for Smart Picture and Smart Sound
provide you with direct access via a single key on the
remote control. You can select optimized picture and
sound settings for the various picture modes such as
Eco, Natural, Rich, Multimedia and Personal, and sound
modes such as Movie, Voice, Music and Personal. Do
refer to the DFU for the various picture and sound
smart modes.
10 page Smart Text
The teletext is a common system transmitted by most
broadcasters. The 10 page smart text feature gives you
fast access to information when changing pages.
Side Stereo AV & headphone
Side stereo AV & headphone makes it more convenient
to connect external devices like audio equipment,
games and video cameras. It's the easy way to enjoy an
extra audio sensation or a totally immersive gaming