
Stereo TV with Crystal Clear
25" real flat
Specifications Product highlights
Aspect ratio: 4:3
Diagonal screen size: 25 inch / 64 cm
Visible diagonal screen size: 59 cm
Display screen type: Real Flat picture tube
Picture enhancement: Crystal Clear, Dynamic
Noise Reduction
Picture processing: 50 Hz, 60Hz Analog
Output power (RMS): 2 x 5 W
Sound Enhancement: Smart Sound, Auto Volume
Leveller, Ultra Bass
Sound System: SAP, Incredible Surround, Stereo
Built-in speakers: 2
Ease of Use: Smart Picture Control, Smart Sound
Control, Auto Volume Leveller (AVL)
Remote control type: RCLB014
Teletext: Closed Captioning
Screen Format Adjustments: 4:3, 4:3 expand
Clock: Sleep Timer, On/Off event timer
On-Screen Display languages: English, Portuguese,
TV system: NTSC, PAL N, PAL M
Video Playback: NTSC, PAL (all versions)
Aerial Input: 75 ohm F-type
Tuner Display: PLL
Other connections: AV out
AV 1: AV In
AV 2: AV in, S-Video
Power consumption: 63 W
Standby power consumption: < 1 W
Mains power: AC 100-250V, 50/60Hz
Set dimensions (W x H x D):
x 523 x 464 mm
Product weight: 29 kg
Weight incl. Packaging: 32 kg
Box dimensions (W x H x D):
x 577 x 512 mm
Color cabinet: Silver Frost
Issue date 2008-11-15
Version: 2.0.4
12 NC: 8670 000 24297
EAN: 87 10895 98001 2
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Real Flat picture tube
The flatter tube provides a wider viewing angle while
minimizing reflections for the best picture possible.
Crystal Clear
Combining picture enhancements like Contrast plus and
color improvement, Crystal Clear improves picture depth.
Incredible Surround™
Incredible Surround is an audio technology from Philips
that dramatically magnifies the sound field to immerse
you in the audio. Using state-of-the-art electronic phase
shifting, Incredible Surround mixes sounds from left and
right in such a way that it expands the virtual distance
between the two speakers. This wider spread greatly
enhances the stereo effect and creates a more natural
sound dimension. Incredible Surround allows you to
experience total surround with greater depth and width
of sound, without the use of additional speakers.
4x3 Expand
4x3 Expand enables widescreen movies to be viewed on
a 4:3 aspect ratio TV screen by removing the black bars
at the top and bottom of the image. You are able to
watch full-screen movies without compromizing on
picture quality and resolution.
Smart Picture and Smart Sound
Philips preset modes for Smart Picture and Smart Sound
provide you with direct access via a single key on the
remote control. You can select optimized picture and
sound settings for the various picture and sound modes.
S-Video Input
An S-video format signal preserves the video quality
better than standard video input.
* Avoid extensive use of the set in a volume higher than 85 decibel
because this may damage your hearing.