10 240PW9 LCD
Mechanical Instruction
Disassemble the four screws
disassembly the bezel from the monitor, notice the
disassembly order :
1.Top (1) parts of bezel
2.Left (2) parts of bezel
3.Bottom (3) parts of bezel
4. Right (4) parts of bezel
Don’t draw the BZL
Turn over the monitor ,Uplift the Rear cover from the
Take off all aluminum foils, then draw two pieces of
FFC cables
disassemble a screw on the USB board
Take the entire internal mechanism from Bezel and put it
on the cushion
Disassemble the Main-BKT : hexagonal screw *4
Tear off the adhesive tape and pull out the cable which
connect panel and power board
Disassembled the Main-BKT : Side screw*2
Disassemble the main mechanism screw *2
Tear off amber tape, then uplift the Main-BKT and unlock
the LVDS by using two hands (see note).