240PW9 LCD
0. Warning
All ICs and many other semi-conductors are susceptible to
electrostatic discharges (ESD). Careless handling during
repair can reduce life drastically. When repairing, make sure
that you are connected withthe same potential as the mass
of the unitvia a wrist wrap withresistance. Keep components
and tools also at the same potential !
1. Servicing of SMDs (Surface Mounted Devices)
1.1 General cautions on handling and storage
- Oxidation on the terminals of SMDs results in poor soldering.
Do not handle SMDs with bare hands.
- Avoid using storage places that are sensitive to oxidation
such as places with sulphur or chlorine gas, direct sunlight,
high temperatures or a high degree of humidity. The
capacitance or resistance value of the SMDs may be
affected by this.
- Rough handling of circuit boards containing SMDs may
cause damage to the components as well as the circuit
boards. Circuit boards containing SMDs should never be
bent or flexed. Different circuit board materials expand and
contract at different rates when heated or cooled and the
components and/or solder connections may be damaged
due tothe stress. Never rub or scrape chip components as
this may cause the value of the component to change.
Similarly, do not slide the circuit board across any surface.
1.2 Removal of SMDs
- Heat the solder (for 2-3 seconds) at each terminal of the
chip. By means of litz wire and a slight horizontal force,
small components can be removed with the soldering iron.
They can also be removed with a solder sucker (see Fig.
While holding the SMD witha pair of tweezers, take itoff gently using the
soldering iron's heat applied toeach terminal (see Fig. 1 B).
- Remove the excess solder on the solder lands by means of
litz wire or a solder sucker (see Fig. 1C).
1.3 Caution on removal
- When handling the soldering.iron. use suitable pressure and be careful.
- When removing the chip, do notuse undue force withthepair of tweezers.
- The soldering iron tobe used (approx. 30 W) should
preferably be equipped with a thermal control (soldering
temperature: 225 to 250 C).
- The chip, once removed, must never be reused.
1.4 Attachment of SMDs
- Locate the SMD on the solder lands by means of tweezers
and solder the component on one side. Ensure that the
component is positioned correctly on the solder lands (see Fig.2A).
- Next complete the soldering of the terminals of the
component (see Fiq. 2B).
2. Caution when attaching SMDs
- When soldering the SMD terminals, do nottouch them
directly withthe soldering iron. The soldering should be
done as quickly as possible, care must be taken toavoid
damage to the terminals of the SMDs themselves.
- Keep the SMD's body in contact with the printed board when
- The soldering iron to be used (approx. 30 W ) should
preferably be equipped with a thermal control (soldering
temperature: 225 to 250 C).
- Soldering should not be done outside the solder land.
- Soldering flux (of rosin) may be used, butshould notbe
- After soldering, let the SMD cool down gradually at room
- The quantity of solder must be proportional to the size of the
solder land. If the quantity is toogreat, theSMD might
crack or the solder lands mightbe torn loose from the
printed board (see Fig. 3).
Fig.3 Examples
Repair Tips