Your Guarantee in Central and Eastern Europe
Dear Customer,
Thank you for purchasing this Philips product,
which has been designed and manufactured to
the highest quality standards. If, unfortunately,
something should go wrong with this product
Philips guarantees free of charge labor and
replacement parts during a period of 24 months
from date of purchase.
What is covered?
This Philips Guarantee in Central and Eastern
Europe applies within Czech Republic, Hungary,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Russia and Turkey and only
for monitors originally designed, manufactured,
approved and/or authorized for usage within these
Warranty coverage begins as from the day you
your monitor will be serviced in case of defects
provided for under the warranty coverage.
What is excluded?
The Philips guarantee applies provided the
product is handled properly for its intended use,
in accordance with its operating instructions and
upon presentation of the original invoice or cash
receipt, indicating the date of purchase, dealer's
name and model and production number of the
• thedocumentshavebeenalteredinanyway
or made illegible;
• themodelorproductionnumberonthe
product has been altered, deleted, removed
or made illegible;
• repairsorproductmodificationsand
lterations have been executed by
unauthorized service organizations or
• damageiscausedbyaccidentsincludingbut
not limited to lightning, water or fire, misuse
or neglect.
• Receptionproblemscausedbysignal
conditions or cable or antenna systems
outside the unit;
• Defectscausedbyabuseormisuseofthe
• Productrequiresmodificationoradaptation
to enable it to comply with local or national
technical standards, which apply in countries
for which the product was not originally
designed, manufactured, approved and/or
authorized. Therefore always check whether
a product can be used in a specific country.
Please note that the product is not defective under
this guarantee in the case where modifications
become necessary in order for the product to
comply with local or national technical standards
which apply in countries for which the product
was not originally designed and/or manufactured.
Therefore always check whether a product can be
used in a specific country.
Just a click away
In case of any problems, we advise you to read
the operating instructions carefully or go to the
www.philips.com/support website for additional
Just a phone call away
In order to avoid unnecessary inconvenience,
we advise you to read the operating instructions
carefully before contacting our dealers or
Information Centers
In case your Philips product is not working
correctly or is defective, please contact your
Philips dealer or directly the Philips Service and
Consumer Information Centers