
TV with Crystal Clear
21" real flat
Specifications Product highlights
Aspect ratio: 4:3
Diagonal screen size: 21 inch / 53 cm
Visible diagonal screen size: 51 cm
Display screen type: Real Flat picture tube
Picture enhancement: Active Control, Crystal
Clear, Color Temperature Adjustment
Picture processing: 50 Hz, 60Hz Analog
Output power (RMS): 1x3W
Sound Enhancement: Auto Volume Leveller
Sound System: Mono
Built-in speakers: 1
Ease of Use: Auto Volume Leveller (AVL), Smart
Picture Control
Remote control type: RCLB014
Teletext: Closed Captioning
Screen Format Adjustments: 4:3, 4:3 expand
Clock: Sleep Timer, On/Off event timer
Signal strength indication
Appropriate for Hotel rooms: Hotel Mode
Convenience Enhancements: Auto Surf
TV system: NTSC
Video Playback: NTSC
Aerial Input: 75 ohm F-type
Tuner Display: PLL
AV 1: AV In
Power consumption: 50 W
Standby power consumption: < 3W
Mains power: AC 90-140V, 50/60Hz
Set dimensions (W x H x D):
x 461 x 478 mm
Set weight: 22.6 kg
Weight incl. Packaging: 25.6 kg
Box dimensions (W x H x D):
x 531 x 546 mm
Set color: Techno Silver
Issue date 2008-07-03
Version: 4.1.6
12 NC: 8670 000 23528
UPC: 6 09585 11020 5
© 2008 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
All Rights reserved.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips
Electronics N.V. or their respective owners.
Real Flat picture tube
The flatter tube provides a wider viewing angle while
minimizing reflections for the best picture possible.
Crystal Clear
Combining picture enhancements like Contrast plus and
color improvement, Crystal Clear improves picture depth.
Active Control
Active Control ensure that noise and sharpness
improvements are continuously made at a rate of 60
times per second. By continually adjusting picture setting
over 3,000 times per minute, Active Control Plus ensures
that the viewing experience is optimized.
Quality Mono sound
Crisp and clear mono sound
4x3 Expand
4x3 Expand enables widescreen movies to be viewed on
a 4:3 aspect ratio TV screen by removing the black bars
at the top and bottom of the image. You are able to
watch full-screen movies without compromizing on
picture quality and resolution.
Smart Picture
Smart Picture provides the optimum picture settings for
color, brightness, saturation, contrast, sharpness, and so
on, to enhance your overall viewing experience at all
Signal Strength Indicator
The signal strength indicator displays signal strength
when you change the channel, and continuously tracks
and updates the incoming signal strength.
Closed Caption
Closed Caption displays text data, subtitles for spoken
audio or alternate language when available.