Parental Control
Check the List of Symptoms and Suggested Steps To Take before requesting Service. You may be able to solve the problem yourself.
If you face problems connecting the TV to external devices, please refer to the User Guide of the external device or call their service centers
for help. Charges for TV installation and adjustments of customer controls are not covered under your warranty.
Can t get the AV
channels on the TV
Press the SOURCE button on the remote control repeatedly to select the desired AV channels.
TV displays wrong
channel or no
channels above 13
Go to SOURCE TYPE in the television menu and select the correct signal source, then perform
the automatic installation again. (Refer to page 11).
Go to SOURCE TYPE in the television menu and select the correct signal source, then perform
the automatic installation again. (Refer to page 11).
Channel numbers
do not follow the
channel number
of the programs.
You are in Digital Mode. Press Ana/Dig button on the remote control to toggle between Digital
and Analog mode.
Channel numbers
look different. Eg.
23-1, 45-3 etc.
Auto installation is
taking too long.
Auto installation may take 20 to 40 minutes depending on the number of channels that are available.
Cannot set
favorite channels
in Favorite List.
1. You may not have completed auto installation. Do an auto installation again (refer to page 9).
2. You may have chosen the wrong SOURCE TYPE. Go to SOURCE TYPE in the TV menu and
select the correct signal source, then perform the auto installation again (refer to page 11).
Unable to
change Parental
Control password.
You can change the Parental Control password via the helpful hint (refer to page 18).
Closed Caption
Closed Caption
text does not
Closed Caption text takes a while to appear. If Closed Caption text still does not appear, go to
Closed Caption menu to switch to another Closed Caption channel (refer to page 24).
Digital Audio
Unable to switch
to another audio
You can only select different audio languages when the program is broadcasted in different audio
language (refer to page 14).
Zoom Control
Unable to change
picture format.
Picture Format Mode only can be activated when you are watching 16:9 Digital programs (refer
to page 25).
No Program
appears on the TV
Information is broadcaster dependent. If the broadcaster does not provide any information. No
Program Information will be displayed when the INFO button on the remote control is pressed
(refer to page 26).