Chapter 1 Introduction
and Storage
Do not use this device if the ambient temperature is warmer than
40˚ C (104˚ F). If the device is used at room temperatures warmer than
40˚ C, the temperature of the airow may exceed 43˚ C. This could
cause system alarms, thermal irritation, or injury to the patient’s airway.
Bacteria Filter Philips Respironics recommends that a main line outlet bacteria lter
(Part Number 342077) be used whenever the device is used for invasive
therapy or if the ventilator may be used on multiple patients.
Patient Circuits
The ventilator should only be used with patient interfaces (e.g., masks,
circuits and exhalation ports) recommended by Philips Respironics.
Proper operation of the device, including alarms, with other circuits has
not been veried by Philips Respironics and is the responsibility of the
health care professional or respiratory therapist.
When adding any components to the breathing system, the ow
resistance and dead space of the added components such as
humidiers, speaking valves, Heat Moisture Exchangers (HMEs) and
lters should be carefully considered in relation to the potential for
adverse eects on the patient’s ventilatory management and device
Passive Circuits An exhalation port is required when using a passive circuit.
For the passive circuit, at low expiratory pressures, the ow through
the exhalation port may be inadequate to clear all exhaled gas from
the tubing – some rebreathing may occur. Rebreathing of exhaled air
for longer than several minutes can in some circumstances lead to
Active Circuits Only use the active exhalation devices designed for Trilogy200. Philips
Respironics has not veried proper operation of other active exhalation
devices, and their use may result in improper or unsafe device
With active exhalation circuits, the exhalation device must be operating
properly for the ventilator to deliver therapy. The exhalation device
should be inspected on a daily basis and replaced whenever necessary.
System Checkout Do not use the ventilator on a patient until a system checkout has been
performed. See Chapter 10 of this manual.
To make sure the device is operating properly at start-up, always verify
that the audible tone sounds and the alarm LEDs light red and then
yellow momentarily. Contact Philips Respironics or an authorized
service center for service if these indications do not occur at start-up.