17” CDT Color Monitor 107B7
CRT Type Number
Screen & Mask
Flat screen & Shadow mask Flat screen & Shadow mask
Screen Diagonal Size
444mm 444mmm
Phosphor Area
325mm x 244mm 325mm x 244mm
VIS (front bezel opening)
Neck size
29.1mm 29.1mm
Deflection Angle
90º 90º
Yoke impedance
LH: xxx uH
LV: xxx mH
RH: xxx Ω
RV: xxx Ω
LH: xxx uH
LV: xxx mH
RH: xxx Ω
RV: xxx Ω
Phosphor Dot Pitch
0.25mm 0.25mm
Phosphor Type
P22, medium short persistence P22, medium short persistence
Light Transmission rate
Surface Treatment
Anti glare/Anti static Anti glare/Anti static
Surface Resistance
CRT net Weight
3.2 Display image / Geometric distortions
• Nominal display size - 306mm x 230mm ± 4mm for all preset modes.
306mm x 230mm ± 12mm for preload modes.
Size control range - Nominal total size: -15mm to full scan.
• Raster centering - < 4mm for prime mode.
• Image centering - < 5mm for all preset modes.
< 12mm for preload modes.
• Position control range - H: ± 10mm minimum, V: ± 8mm minimum.
• Line straightness - Border overall distortion < 2.0mm for all preset modes, the
waviness of any vertical or horizontal should be less than 1.0mm
over a 50mm distance.
Image tilt - < 1.0mm (each side).
• Dynamic EHT size regulation - < 1.0mm (each side).
• Static EHT size regulation - < 1.5mm (each side).
• Image size stability - < 1.0% (110Vac ~ 240Vac) as a function of supply voltage.
< 1.0% (5 ~ 40ºC) as a function of temperature.
• Linearity [(max–min)/mean] - Pattern: 12 x 9 blocks.
Prime modes: 1024x768@85, 1280x1024@75.
Overall H&V < 10% (prime modes).
Adjacent H&V < 6% (prime modes).
Overall H&V < 14% (other modes).
Adjacent H&V < 7% (other modes).
Convergence - Zone A < 0.25mm, Zone B < 0.35mm.
Zone B < 0.4mm (for modes < 50kHz).