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Battery Life
Average battery life is 2 months, depending on how often the dog barks. To conserve battery
life, turn to the “OFF” position when the Outdoor Bark Control is not in use.
Two Colour LED
The two colour LED indicator shows good or low battery. Good battery equals 1 fl ash every
5 seconds with Green LED. Low battery equals 3 fl ashes every 5 seconds with the Red LED.
If there are no LED lights it is time to change the battery. When emitting the ultrasonic
sound, the Red LED is solid. When in test mode, the Red LED will fl ash if battery is low.
Modes of Operation
• Begin use of the Outdoor Bark Control on the Low Range setting and only increase to the
Medium Range setting if the dog does not respond.
• If the dog does not respond to the Medium Range, increase to High Range.
• Turn to the TEST Mode to verify that your Outdoor Bark Control is working properly. Do
not use this Mode for normal operation. See “To Test the Outdoor Bark Control.”
Sensitivity Setting Range
Low Up to 4.6 metres
Medium Up to 9 metres
High Up to 15 metres
What to Expect During Use of the
Outdoor Bark Control
Place the PetSafe
Outdoor Bark Control within range of the dog with the unit switched
to Low, Medium or High. Most dogs will understand very quickly that the Outdoor Bark
Control is disrupting their urge to bark and will relax and stop barking.
You should notice a reduction in the dog’s barking within the fi rst two weeks that the
Outdoor Bark Control is in use. Please note this product may not work on deaf or hearing
impaired dogs.
Excessive barking can cause a real strain on your relationship with your pet, as well as cause
disruptions in your neighbourhood. In some situations this product may become an aid
to barking cessation, and not necessarily a cure. Please visit www.petsafe.net to view other
customized solutions to the problem of too much barking.