C1519M-E (6/06) 19
Figure 14.
Monitor Menu
Figure 15.
Camera Menu 1
Table C.
Main Menu 2
Select to bring up the Macro Menu. If you enter a macro number before selecting this icon, the
selected macro plays without having to go into the Macro Menu.
Select to bring up the Sequence Menu. If you enter a sequence number before selecting this
icon, the selected sequence plays without going into the Sequence Menu.
Select to bring up Define Menu 1. You will see and . Enter your define PIN. You will
not have to re-enter your define PIN unless the keyboard goes offline or you log off. When you
enter your PIN, Define Menu 2 appears. You will also see in Define Menu 2. You can
adjust the display brightness in Define Menu 1 or Define Menu 2.
Selecting either one returns you to Main Menu 1.
Table D.
Monitor Menu
Select to request the previous logical monitor number in the system and to grant control of the
monitor if it is available. The logical monitor number range is 1-9999.
Select to request the next logical monitor number in the system and to grant control of the
monitor if it is available. The logical monitor number range is 1-9999.
This icon indicates whether or not you have control of the monitor. A highlighted icon means you
have control. Select this icon to request or release control of the selected monitor. If you enter a
number before selecting this icon, the keyboard requests control of that monitor.
Reserved for future use.
Select this icon to return to Main Menu 1.
1 1
1 1