6 C3605M-A (5/09)
Once the behavior is installed on the encoder, complete the following steps:
1. Log on to the WS5000 workstation.
2. In the Camera navigation pane, right-click a camera connected to an NET5301T-I intelligent encoder,
and then select Modify Settings from the shortcut menu (refer to Figure 1). The Device setup screen
appears. If necessary, click the Video Analytics tab (refer to Figure 2).
Figure 1. Selecting a Camera to Modify
Figure 2. Video Analytics Tab
3. Click the Add Profile button to open the Add Profile dialog box. A message appears: “This
action will deactivate the current profile. Do you wish to continue?” Click Yes to continue.
NOTE: You must deactivate the currently running profile before you can set up a new profile. Profiles
are configured one at a time.
4. Enter a descriptive name for the profile. Consider naming profiles based on their function. A more
descriptive name makes them easier to locate when you need to run a specific profile.
Figure 3. Adding a Profile