
Pelco Manual C1943M (9/99) 7
Physically, each of the four VCRC-P input connectors consists of the same number of input
screw-type terminals. Each input group uses a dual-row removable plug and each plug is
associated with 8 VCR inputs.
For example, refer to the leftmost group represented in Figure 5, which shows VCR inputs
1-16. Of these VCR inputs, 1-8 are wired using the top 16 screw terminal positions. VCR in-
puts on this connector physically alternate with their associated GND connection for a total
of 8 available VCR/GND connections: that is, pin 1 is VCR input 1 and pin 2 is the GND
connection associated with VCR input 1; pin 3 is VCR input 2 and pin 4 is VCR input 2’s as-
sociated GND connection, and so on. The same explanation applies to the lower plug for
VCR inputs 9-16, starting with VCR input 9, which is associated with physical pin 17 on the
mating plug.
Similarly, the remaining plug (upper/lower) combinations accommodate the three remaining
VCR input blocks: that is, inputs 17-32 are handled by header two, inputs 33-48 by header
three, and inputs 49-64 by header four.
Control cable
length should not
be extended further than the
supplied 50 feet (15.2 m). It
is also recommended that
shielded cable be used to
minimize external electrical
interference with VCRC-P
control signals. You should
also avoid ground loops of
any kind. See important note
in Figure 9 regarding power
hookup and interference.
Figure 5. VCR Input Plugs