
F7. pr_address Printer’s address. Can be any six-byte string in the 0 to
255 decimal range enclosed by quotes. We recommend
setting the printer’s address to the printable alphanumeric
ASCII values (0-9; A-Z; a-z). This avoids any conflict with
the control characters (ENQ, parameter separators, etc.)
and is easily interpreted.
Example {I,F,3,1,0,0,1,"ABC123" p }
Uses a baud rate of 9600, an 8-bit word length, one stop bit,
no parity, the DTR mode, and sets one printer’s address to
If the only parameter you need to change is the printer’s
address, make sure the printer is selected and ready to
receive data. Then, send this packet:
Example {I,F,,,,,,"ABC123" p }
Keeps your previously defined communication settings and
sets one printer’s address to ABC123.
Turn on the next printer you want to address and set the
address by sending the communication settings packet.
Repeat the addressing procedure for any remaining printers.
After a printer has been addressed, immediate commands are
enabled and the caret (^) is the defined immediate command
character. If you need to change the immediate command
character, see "Defining the Control Characters Packet" in
Chapter 3 for more information.
Addresses remain in the printer after you turn off the printer.
You can readdress any printer at any time by sending the
communication settings packet. If a printer has been selected
by the immediate command, it remains active until a different
printer is selected or you turn the printer off. Only one printer
may be active at a time. The defined printer address is
displayed on the test label above the bar code. See "Printing
a Test Label" in Chapter 8 for more information.
MPCLII Packet Reference Manual