Introduction 13
Model 6081RC Network Access Server User Manual 1 • Model 6081RC overview
The Model 6081RC Network Access Router (see figure 1) is a MIPS-based processor blade for the ForeFront
Access Infrastructure System (AIS). With hardware and software features optimized for Layer-2/Layer-3 net-
working, the 6081RC enables the AIS to deliver IP as an access infrastructure element as well as support the
delivery of advanced broadband IP services and applications.
Figure 1. Model 6081RC EdgeRoute Network Access Router
When installed into the 2U, 4U, or 6U ForeFront chassis, the Model 6081RC adds IP routing and access ser-
vices to installed interfaces, such as xDSL, T1/E1, and STM ports. With the addition of data termination
packages, as well as select edge services packages (e.g. DNS), the Model 6081RC provides full-featured
ipDSLAM functionality to any ForeFront system.
The Model 6081RC preserves legacy TDM services while providing Layer-2/Layer-3 services. TDM data
communications can operate seamlessly within the same hardware, the same chassis, even over the same
wired infrastructure.
Product overview
The Model 6081RC is a frame and service edge-routing resource that provides access-to-edge, packet-based
services for IP termination; forwarding; and frame services within a ForeFront AIS chassis. Ideal for use by ser-
vice providers, the Model 6081RC provides:
• Aggregation for customer DSL/T1/E1 to framed network services, including Ethernet bridging and VLAN
v1 and v2
• IP routing and forwarding
• IP access services (including QoS class-based queuing, NAT, and ACLs)
The Model 6081RC interfaces to ForeFront line cards via the TDM chassis. The 6081RC processes packets at
50k packets per second (pps). The main differences based on the processor chosen. With access to all 4,096
DS0s the 6081RC allows up to 2,048 discreet full-duplex data connections from a single card.