-- 2 --
Approved protective goggles
or visor,earprotection, and
face mask in dusty environments
must be worn.
that no bystandersor animalscome
nearer than15 meters.
Whenever severaloperatorsare
working in the samework area, they
should maintaina safe distance ofat
least15 metersfromoneanother.
WARNING: The muffleris very
hot during and after use. Do not
touch the muffler, mufflerguard,or
surrounding surfaces, or allow
combustible material such asdry
Always wear approved,
protective gloves .
Instructions on
how to open
vacuum inlet
WARNING: This blower
canbe dangerous!Careless
cause seriousoreven fatal
Read andunderstandthe
instruction manual before
using the blower.
WARNING: Be sure the
bottom cover issecured or
the vacuum tubeisproperly
installed. Avoid the impeller
blade with your hando r any
Sound pressure
level at7,5meters
Sound power
Use unleaded or quality
stroke oil.
WARNING: The blower may throw
objec t sat hig hvelocity that ca n
ricochet and hit the operator . This
may c ause serious eye damage.
WARNING: Failure to follow all
Safety Rules and Precautions can result in
serious injury.
S Read your instruction manual carefully until
you completely understand and can follow all
warnings and safety rules before operating
the unit.
D Restrict unit to u sers who understand and will
follow all warnings and safety rules i n this
WARNING: Inspect area bef ore start-
ing unit. Remove all debris and hard objects
such as rocks, gl a ss, wire, etc. tha t can rico-
chet, be thrown, or otherwise cause injury or
damage during operation.
Use your unit as a blower for:
D Sweeping debris or grass clippings from
driveways, sidewalks, patios, etc.
D Blowing grass clippings, straw, or leaves into
piles, around joints, or between bricks.
Use your un it as a vacuum for:
D Pi ckingupdrymaterialsuchas lea ves, g rass,
small twigs, and bits of paper .
D Fo r b est results du ring vacuum u se, operate
your unit at high speed.
D Move slowly back and forth over the m aterial
as you vacuum. Avoid f orcing the unit into a
pile of debris as this can clog the unit.
D Keep the vacuum tube about an inch above
th e gro u nd fo r best resul ts.
WARNING: This m achine produces
anelectromagnetic fieldduring operation.Under
some circumstances, this f ield may interfere
with active or passive medical implants. To re-
duce therisk of serious orfatalinjury,werecom-
mend persons with medical implants to consult
their physician and the medical implant
manufacturer before operating this machine.
D Always wear eye and ear protection when
operating, servicing, or performing
maintenance on unit. W earing eye protection
will help to prevent rocks ordebris from being
blown or ricocheting into eyes and face which
can result in blindness and/or serious injury.
Eye protection should be m arked Z87.
D Always wear foot protection. Do not go
barefoot or wear sandals.