A. Command Line Interface
A-20 November 2003 6300-A2-GB20-10
ppp username [username]
Minimum Access Level: Administrator
Command Mode: Config
Specifies the CHAP host name or PAP peer ID to use for authentication in the PPP
session when PPP authentication is enabled and successfully negotiated. To delete the
user name, enter this command without specifying a user name on the command line.
NOTE: A change to this option does not take effect until the next PPP link
username – The PPP user name in the format user@context. The maximum length is
127 characters (case-sensitive).
ppp password [password ]
Minimum Access Level: Administrator
Command Mode: Config
Specifies the CHAP secret or PAP password to use for authentication in the PPP session
when PPP authentication is enabled and successfully negotiated. To delete the password,
enter this command without specifying a password on the command line. This command
is not included in the output of the List command.
NOTE: A change to this option does not take effect until the next PPP link
password – The PPP password. The maximum length is 31 characters (case-sensitive).
Table A-13. PPPoE Client Commands (3 of 3)