A. Command Line Interface
A-28 November 2003 6300-A2-GB20-10
show log [number ]
Minimum Access Level: Operator
Command Mode: Standard
Displays the contents of the local system error log. (The 100 most recent SYSLOG entries
are kept locally.) You specify the number of entries you wish to view. Entries are displayed
in reverse order, from the most recent to the oldest.
number – Number of local entries to be viewed. The default is 10, with a range of 1–100.
NOTE: The locally retained SYSLOG will be reset at the DSL router if the restart
command is issued. External logs are retained after a DSL router restart.
show nat basic
Minimum Access Level: Operator
Command Mode: Standard
Sample show nat basic display:
NAT basic – {enabled | disabled}
NAT basic – public network address: x.x.x.x
NAT basic – public network mask: x.x.x.x
NAT timeout: xx minutes
NAT basic mappings:
public ip
x.x.x.x x.x.x.x
show nat napt
Minimum Access Level: Operator
Command Mode: Standard
Sample show nat napt display:
NAT NAPT – {enabled | disabled}
NAT NAPT – public IP-address: x.x.x.x
NAT timeout: xx minutes
NAT NAPT mappings:
private-port mapped-port protocol
x.x.x.x xxxx xxxx {udp | tcp}
Table A-17. Show Commands (5 of 10)