3. Using the Web Interface
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Tabl e 3-3 defines the different severity levels.
To forward logging information:
1. Click on Tools and select Remote Log.
2. Select a Log Level from the drop-down list.
3. Type the IP address of the remote logging destination and click on Add.
4. Click on Apply. To make the change permanent, click on Tools (at the top of
the page) and select System Commands. At the System Commands page,
click on Save All.
Table 3-3. Severity Levels
Severity Level Description
Panic System panic or other condition that causes the router to stop
Alert Conditions that require immediate correction, such as a corrupted
system database.
Citical Potentially critical conditions, such as hard drive errors.
Error Error conditions that generally have less serious consequences
than errors in the panic, alert, and critical levels.
Warning Conditions that warrant monitoring.
Notice Conditions that are not errors but might warrant special handling.
Info Events or non-error conditions of interest.
Debug Software debugging messages. Specify this level only if so directed
by your technical support representative.