Configuration Option Tables
February 1999
Management and Communication Options Menu
The Management and Communication Options Menu includes the following:
H Telnet Session Options, Table A-5
H Communication Protocol Options, Table A-6
H General SNMP Management Options, Table A-7
H SNMP NMS Security Options, Table A-8
H SNMP Traps Options, Table A-9
Telnet Session Options
The Telnet session configuration options control whether a Telnet session is
allowed through an interconnected IP Network. If allowed, these options
determine what level of security to apply to the session to control access. Only
one Telnet session is allowed at a time. Initial values are determined by the
configuration you currently have loaded. To access the Telnet Session Options
screen, follow this menu selection sequence:
Main Menu
Load Configuration From
Management and Communication
Telnet Session
main/config/telnet Hotwire
Model: 7984
Telnet Session: Enable
Telnet Login Required: Enable
Session Access Level: Administrator
Inactivity Timeout: Enable
Disconnect Time (Minutes) 5
Ctrl-a to access these functions, ESC for previous menu M
ainMenu Exit