A. Configuration Options
8700-A2-GB20-40 May 2002
Excessive Error Rate Threshold
Possible Settings: 1E– 4, 1E–5, 1E– 6, 1E–7, 1E– 8, 1E–9
Default Setting: 1E–6
Determines the error rate at which an excessive error rate (EER) condition is recognized.
The rate is the ratio of the number of CRC errors to the number of bits received in a
certain period.
1E–4 – 1E-9 – The rate at which EER is recognized.
Possible Settings: Enable, Disable
Default Setting: Disable
Determines whether the unit automatically adjusts to the best line rate for conditions, or is
fixed at the rate in the DSL Line Rate field. The automatically set rate cannot exceed Max
DSL AutoRate.
AutoRate is only available when the unit is configured as an LTU.
Enable – The LTU adjusts to the best line rate.
Disable – The LTU’s line rate is the DSL Line Rate selected.
DSL Line Rate
Possible Settings (Model 8777): 144, 272, 400, 528, 784, 1040, 1552
Default Setting: 1552
Possible Settings (Model 8779): 144, 272, 400, 528, 784, 1040, 1552, 2064
Default Setting: 2064
Specifies the fixed line rate of the LTU when AutoRate is disabled. See Table A-2, Payload
Rates and DSL Line Rates for Model 8777, or Table A-3, Payload Rates and DSL Line
Rates for G.703, for information about maximum payload rates for different DSL line rate.
DSL Line Rate is only available when the unit is configured as an LTU and AutoRate
is disabled.
144 – 2064 – The fixed DSL Line Rate, in Kbps.
Max DSL AutoRate
Possible Settings (Model 8777): 144, 272, 400, 528, 784, 1040, 1552
Default Setting: 1552
Possible Settings (Model 8779): 144, 272, 400, 528, 784, 1040, 1552, 2064
Default Setting: 2064
Specifies the maximum rate to which the unit can AutoRate. See Table A-2, Payload
Rates and DSL Line Rates for Model 8777, or Table A-3, Payload Rates and DSL Line
Rates for G.703, for information about maximum payload rates for different DSL line rates.
Max DSL AutoRate is only available when the unit is configured as an LTU and
AutoRate is enabled.
144 – 2064 – The AutoRate ceiling, in Kbps.
Table A-1. Network Interface Options (2 of 4)