8000-A2-GB21-30 April 1998
local host route injection, 6-5
MAC, 2-1
MAC address, 1-15
management domain
assigning an IP address to the MCC card, A-3
assigning IP address to the backplane (s1b), A-6
assigning IP addresses to the DSL cards, A-7
components, 4-7
configuration worksheets, A-2
configuring the 5446 RTU management domain IP
addresses, A-12
creating a default route, A-9
creating a static route to the NMS, A-14
discovering devices on the network, 4-8
IP address allocation, 5-8
MCC card proxy ARP, 4-9
packet walk-through (8540 DSL card), 9-3
packet walk-through (8546 DSL card), 9-5
peer IP addresses, 5-9
resetting the MCC card, A-11
using a filter, 7-4
management domain features
network management, 3-1
ping, 3-2
Telnet, 3-3
TFTP client, 3-3
TraceRoute, 3-3
MCC card
assigning an IP address to the MCC card, A-3
clear NVRAM, A-5
description, 1-6
proxy ARP, 4-9
resetting the card, A-11
static route example, 6-3
MIB compliance, 8-2
multicasting, 2-1
Network Access Provider (NAP), 1-14
network address rule type, 7-2
network configuration worksheets, A-1
Network Management System (NMS), 8-1
network model
discovering devices on the network, 4-8
domain types, 1-16
management domain components, 4-7
service domain components, 4-1
network model
Network Access Provider (NAP), 1-14
Network Service Provider (NSP), 1-14
overview, 1-12
service subscriber, 1-14
network route address, 6-2
Network Service Provider (NSP), 1-14
organization of document, vi
output filter, 7-2
peer IP addresses, 5-9
ping program, 3-2
Point-of-Presence (POP), 1-14
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), 2-1
port naming convention, 5-1
POTS splitter, 1-1, 1-6
preventing unauthorized access, C-5
preventing unwanted traffic from leaking, 7-4
product-related documents, vii
proxy ARP, 2-2, 4-5, 4-9
RADIUS authentication, 6-5, 6-9
recording your configuration settings, 5-12
regional center, 1-14
related documents, vii
remote host route injection, 6-5
Remote Termination Unit (RTU)
5170 RTU, 1-7
5171 Remote PC NIC, 1-8
5216 RTU, 1-8
5246 RTU, 1-8
5446 RTU, 1-10
configuring the 5446 RTU management domain IP
addresses, A-12
general description, 1-6
proxy ARP (5446 RTU), 4-6