3. Configuration
3-4 February 2003 8335-A2-GB20-70
Entering the Time and Date
The Time/Date screen of the Configuration branch of the line card (menu
sequence A-A-B) displays time, time zone, and date. The values are configured
through the MCP and cannot be modified through the line card. For more
information about the Time/Date screens, see
Viewing Card Status and
in Chapter 4,
Refer to the
Hotwire Management
Communications Controller (MCC) Card, IP Conservative, User’s Guide
complete information.
Setting Spectrum Management (Models 8355 and 8385)
The Spectrum Management screen of the Configuration branch of the Model 8355
and Model 8385 line card (menu sequence A-A-G) sets the unique regional
operational parameters to use for this card. For the Model 8385, the selections
differ depending on whether you are using the card in Notrh American (Annex A)
or European (Annex B) networks.
The purpose of Spectrum Management is to facilitate a reasonable spectral
environment for the coexistence of multiple technologies in the loop plant with an
acceptable level of crosstalk between them. In some countries, the DSL service
provider must meet the spectrum management specification of that country. For
example, in the United Kingdom, it is a requirement that the product comply with
OFTel PSD mask for the loop length requested (short, medium or long). Support
for this requirement is provided by enabling the Spectrum Management option on
the Spectrum Management screen (A-A-G), and properly setting the Line Length
and EWL options on the Port Configuration screen (A-B-B).
Settings on the Spectrum Management screen affect the choices available for
the DSL Port Configuration screen (menu sequence A-B-B). See
DSL Port
Configuration – Model 8355
on page 3-11 and
DSL Port Configuration –
Model 8385
on page 3-19 for more information.