June 2000
Ethernet, statistics, 6-37
Ethernet port
as default IP destination, 4-34
MAC address, 6-2
user interface options, 4-50
even parity, 4-53
Event Log, Traps, 6-38
exception points, 11-7
Excess Burst Size (Bits), 4-28
Device, controlling access, 5-4
(on Com Port) options, 4-57
Commands, 4-57
set up for trap dial-out, 4-5
Transmit Clock, 4-21
faceplate, 6-3
fan assembly
cleaning, 12-2
replacing, 12-3
FDR, 1-3
features, 1-3
field is blank/empty, 2-9
file transfer, 7-2
file transfer protocol (FTP), configuration options, 4-43
Frame Delivery Ratio (FDR), 1-3
Frame Relay
configuring interface, 4-23
configuring system, 4-14
Discovery, 4-7
saving a mode change, 4-9
statistics, 6-34
troubleshooting PVC problems, 8-13
frames, 4-37
front panel assembly
cleaning, 12-2
LEDs, 6-3
replacing, 12-3
FTP, 1-5, 7-2
configuration options, 4-43
file transfers, 7-2
initiating a session, 7-2
limiting access, 5-5, 5-6
Login Required, 4-43
Max Receive Rate (kbps), 4-43
Session, 5-6
function keys, 2-5, 2-7
LEDs, 6-4
options, 4-18
SNMP management, options, 4-40
Traps, 4-46
generating reports, 11-6
glossary, x
grouping elements for reports, 11-5
hardware bypass, 1-6
hardware revision, NAM, 6-2
HDLC errors, frame relay statistics, 6-36
Health and Status, 8-2
messages, 6-18
adding files, 10-13
installing files, 10-15
monitoring DLCI, 10-16
hyperlink to more information, highlighted text, xii
Identity, displaying, 6-2
Ignore Control Leads, 4-53
Inactivity Timeout, 4-42
COM port, 4-54
Modem port, 4-60
indicator LEDs, power supply, 6-10
Initial Route Destination, 4-46
installation and setup, Network Health, 11-2
Network Health, 11-2
user history files, 10-15
interface specifications, D-3
Internal, Transmit Clock, 4-21
Inverse ARP, 1-4
Invert Internal Clock, 4-19
Invert Transmit Clock, 4-22
default destination, 4-34
node information, 4-32
Ping test, 8-21
Validation, NMS, 4-44