5. Configuring the FrameSaver DSL Router
5-18 December 2002 9700-A2-GB20-20
Configuring the Router Using Terminal Emulation
The CLI is available via a Telnet session or a direct connection over the router’s
COM port to a VT100-compatible terminal or a PC running a terminal emulation
program. You access the CLI through the router’s menu-driven user interface.
From the Main Menu, press Shift-r to access the CLI.
Verify the required terminal settings:
Data rate is set to 19.2 Kbps (19200 bps).
Character length is set to 8.
Parity is set to None.
Stop bits is set to 1.
Flow control is set to Off or None.
Uploading and Downloading the Router Configuration Via the CLI
Use the show configuration command to output command strings needed to
restore the current running configuration.
Output from the show configuration command can be captured to a text file using
most terminal emulation programs. Once the text file is captured, the router can be
placed in configuration mode. The text file can then be fed back to configure the