2. Hotwire Menus and Screens
8000-A2-GB26-50 April 2001
The following is an example of the Quick Card Select screen.
If an option is not active, an underscore appears in its place.
The following information is displayed on the Quick Card Select screen.
Heading Display Description
Slot <slot number> Slot number of card in chassis.
Card <model number> Model number of card such as 8510, 8312,
8343, etc.
Type RADSL, MVL, SDSL, etc.
Card type (number of ports), for example
Status Position 1: T or _ Test mode. Card currently in test mode or _ for
no active test.
Position 2: M or _ Major alarm. Major alarm present on card or _
for no active major alarm.
Position 3: R or _ Minor alarm. Minor alarm present on card or _
for no minor alarm active.
UpLinks <uplink status> Status of uplink:
U=Up, D=Down, X=Disabled/Not Initialized,
L=Loopback, A=Alarm
ATM <atm status> Status of ATM uplink:
U=Up, D=Down
Links <dsllink status> Status of DSL ports:
U=Up, D=Down, X=Disabled/Not Initialized,
I=Incompatible slot, H=Handshaking,
E=Empty slot, N=Network timing