Security and Logins
June 2000
Configuring SNMP NMS Security Options
in Chapter 4,
for more information about SNMP NMS Security configuration options.
Creating a Login
A login is required if security is enabled. (Security is enabled by the configuration
options Login Required for the communication port, and Telnet Login Required or
FTP Login Required for a Telnet or FTP Session.)
Up to six login ID/password combinations can be created using ASCII text, and
each login must have a specified access level. Logins must be unique and they
are case-sensitive.
" Procedure
To create a login record:
1. Select Administer Logins.
Main Menu
Administer Logins
2. Select New, and set the following configuration options, as appropriate.
In the field . . .
Enter the . . .
Login ID ID of 1 to 10 characters.
Password Password from 1 to 10 characters.
Re-enter password Password again to verify that you entered the
correct password into the device.
Access Level Access level: 1, 2, or 3.
H Level-1 – User can add, change, and
display configuration options, save, and
perform device testing.
H Level-2 – User can monitor and perform
diagnostics, display status and
configuration option information.
H Level-3 – User can only monitor and
display status and configuration screens.
CAUTION: Make sure at least one login is set
up for Level-1 access or you may be
inadvertently locked out.
Resetting the Unit and Restoring Communication
in Chapter 8,
, should you be locked out inadvertently.
3. S
ave your changes.
When Save is complete, the cursor is repositioned at the Login ID field, ready
for another entry.