3. Configuration Options
3-8 December 2002 9000-A2-GB31-00
Configuring Class of Service Definitions
Select Class of Service Definitions from the System menu to display or change the
Class of Service definitions to be used with latency, availability, and throughput
measurements of IP traffic on IP Enabled circuits.
Main Menu
→Configuration→System →Class of Service Definitions
The Class of Service Definitions screen appears.
To create a new Class of Service definition:
1. To manually assign definition names and code points, proceed to Step 4
2. To automatically create Class of Service names and associate them with code
points according to RFCs 2474, 2497, and 2498, select R
fcCodePoints. The
following settings are established:
3. If these settings are satisfactory, proceed to Step 10.
4. Type a name of up to 8 characters into one of the Name fields next to IDs 1–6.
5. To unassign all code points by inserting blank names, select C
To assign all Code Points to a Class of Service name of Default, select
6. Select PgD
n or PgUp. The Code Point Assignment screen appears.
7. For any Code Point you want to assign to the name, type the name you
selected in Step 4 into the Name field to the right of the Code Point.
Field Setting After RfcCodePoints Selected
Class of Service Name 1 – NewCtrl
2 – Expd Fwd
3 – AFClass4
4 – AFClass3
5 – AFClass2
6 – AFClass1
7 – Default
Measure Latency & Availability 1 – N
2 – Y
3 – Y
4 – Y
5 – Y
6 – Y
7 – Y
Code Points 1 (NetwCtrl) – 110000, 111000
2 (Expd Fwd) – 101110
3 (AFClass4) – 100010, 100100, 100110
4 (AFClass3) – 011010, 011100, 011110
5 (AFClass2) – 010010, 010100, 010110
6 (AFClass1) – 001010, 001100, 001110
7 (Default) – 000000