Specification Criteria
DBM (Backup) connector
(reserved for future use)
One 8-position modular keyed USOC RJ45 jack
Clocking Sources T1 network interface, any port, internal clock, DSX-1
T1 interface or external clock
Network Line Loopback, Network Payload
Loopback, V.54 Loop 2 (DCLB) and V.54 Loop 3
Network Repeater Loopback, DSX-1 Line Loopback
DSX-1 Payload Loopback, DSX-1 Repeater
Loopback, DTE Loopback
Pin Assignments
NET Port/Interface
Function Circuit Pin #
Receive ring from the network R1 1
Receive tip from the network T1 2
Transmit ring to the network R 4
Transmit tip to the network T 5
COM Port/Interface
Signal Direction Pin #
DCE Transmit Clock (TXC) Out 1
DCE Receive Data (RXD) Out 2
Signal Ground (SG) — 3
DCE Transmit Data (TXD) In 4
DCE Data Terminal Ready (DTR) In 5
DCE Carrier Detect (CD) Out 6
DCE Request to Send (RTS) In 7
DCE Receive Clock (RXC) Out 8