
Monitoring the Hotwire DSL System
April 2000
Table 4-5. IP Router Options (2 of 2)
ARP Table B-E-B
Displays the current Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache. Permanent entries show
PERM PUB PROX. (See Flags.)
Line Sequential number of line.
IP Address Internet Protocol Address.
Ethernet Address Ethernet address associated with the IP address. (An incomplete
can be shown in this column for some internal entries such as the backplane.)
Min Number of minutes since this entry was last used.
Interface The interface on which this ARP request was answered.
NOTE: lb0 is equal to e1a.
Flags Various flags associated with this entry. PERM = permanent, PUB = publish this
entry (respond for other hosts), PROX = proxy ARP (card will proxy ARP for this IP
Filter Table B-E-C
Displays the various filters that have been configured.
The Filter Table screen displays the following information:
Line Sequential number of line.
Filter Name Name of the IP filter.
# Static Rules Number of static routes in filter.
# Dynamic Rules Number of dynamic routes in filters.
Ref Cnt Number of active interfaces using the filter.
Def Action Default action for the filter.