
November 1997
The MCC card sends the following traps.
Trap Class Comment
Device failure major
Self test failure minor Sent if any portion of a restart or selftest
CCN (Configuration
Change Notice)
warning Configuration changed or software
Entity MIB CCN
(Configuration Change
warning Configuration changed due to differences
affecting Entity MIB.
Authentication failure minor SNMP community string mismatches.
Authentication failure minor Telnet and terminal password mismatches.
This trap may be overloaded for terminal
and Telnet based auth failures. In these
cases the following will also be sent along
with the trap PDU:
Access mode used
Number of auth failures
For SNMP based auth failures, no
information will be sent.
Fan module failure major Fan module reporting subnormal
Fan module operational normal Fan module back to normal operation.
A power source failure minor Power source A has failed and the system is
now operating off one source.
A power source normal normal Power source A is now operating normally.
B power source failure minor Power source B has failed and the system is
now operating off one source.
B power source normal normal Power source B is now operating normally.
Ethernet link down major
Ethernet link up normal
Slot poll failure major No response to slot poll. Responds to
hardware MIP query, but not general poll.
New card detected warning New card detected by MCC on slot poll.
Cold start warning MCC card is being powered up.
Warm start warning Power on reset.