Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
April 2000
SYSLOG Messages
The SYSLOG contains an historical list of special system messages which serves
as a log of certain significant events that occur in the DSL network. SYSLOG
messages consist of a date and timestamp, followed by the message.
To view SYSLOG messages, access the SYSLOG menu entry (B-A-C).
Example SYSLOG Messages
Interpreting SYSLOG messages sometimes involves viewing a series of
messages to determine the problem. Event messages can indicate that certain
thresholds have been exceeded.
By comparing the embedded timestamp received from the remote unit to the
timestamp in the port card message, you can determine which end of the DSL
link entered the retrain state first, and which simply reacted to the training
sequence from the other end. The port card SYSLOG message always appears
See the following examples.
Example 1. Port Card (Upstream Channel) Retrain
The following SYSLOG messages have been received:
Thu Apr 22 09:53:26 1999 S/N Threshold Reached, port DSL port 4
Thu Apr 22 09:53:50 1999 Remote Restarted at Thu Apr 22 09:53:34
Thu Apr 22 09:53:50 1999 Remote Reed Solomon Restart, Port 4
The upstream Signal-to-Noise (S/N) ratio has dropped below the acceptable
threshold and the port card has retrained. The remote unit retrain has occurred
after the port card retrain.
Example 2. Remote Unit (Downstream Channel) Retrain
The following SYSLOG messages have been received:
Fri Apr 23 09:53:32 1999 S/N Threshold Reached, port DSL port 4
Fri Apr 23 09:53:50 1999 Remote Started at Fri Apr 23 09:53:28 1999
Fri Apr 23 09:53:50 1999 Remote Reed Solomon Restart, Port 4
The port S/N ratio has been reached. The port card retrained after the remote
unit as indicated by the embedded timestamp at the end of the remote SYSLOG
message. This retrain was caused by Reed Solomon errors. In general, if the port
card is experiencing a line performance problem and enters the retrain state first,
the remote unit typically retrains due to Reed Solomon Restart. If the remote unit
enters the retrain state first, the port card will typically show a S/N Threshold
Reached error message.