8400-A2-GZ40-10 October 2003 11
Using the Web Interface
To access the web interface:
1. Open your web browser. (Internet Explorer Version 6 or above is
2. Type http:// and the IP address of the SCP card into the Address field of your
browser window. This is by default, or the address you set using
the CLI. For example:
3. A login window appears. Enter the default User ID (SUPERUSER) and
Password (ASN#1500), and click on OK. The web interface screen appears.
4. Click on the menu tab appropriate to what you would like to do:
— Configuration – To configure the system and interfaces
— Status – To display statistics, status, and contents of memory
— System – To display system information, download firmware, back up
configurations, and modify users
— Tests – To start and stop tests