Monitoring the DSU/CSU
March 1998
Health and Status Messages
The following messages appear in the first column of the System and Test Status
screen. The highest priority Health and Status message also appears on all ATI
screens on the bottom right.
Table 6-2. Health and Status Messages (1 of 2)
What Message Indicates What To Do
Loss Of Signal No signal is being received.
Local DSU/CSU network
problem. An LOS condition
(175 consecutive zeros) has
been detected on the network
1. Verify that the network cable is
securely attached at both ends.
2. Contact network provider.
Out of Frame DSU/CSU is detecting an out
of frame condition. This
occurs when two out of four
frame synchronization bits are
in error.
1. Wait for the condition to clear.
2. Verify that the line framing format
configuration option matches the
setting of the network.
3. Contact network provider.
Alarm Indication
An Alarm Indication Signal
(unframed all ones signal) is
being received from the
network interface.
1. Check the status of the far-end
2. Contact network provider.
Excessive Error
An Excessive Error Rate
condition has been detected
on the network interface. The
condition is cleared when the
error rate falls below the
threshold value.
1. Contact network provider.
Yellow Alarm A Yellow Alarm signal is being
received from the network
1. Check the status of the far-end
2. Contact network provider.
Primary Clock
The primary clock has failed.
Timing for the DSU/CSU is
provided by the internal clock.
1. Check the clock source
connector (DTE or Net).
2. If the primary clock was derived
from the network, contact the
network provider.
FDL Link Down The FDL communication
between the local and remote
DSU/CSU is not working.
1. Verify that the remote unit has
FDL enabled.
2. Contact network provider if
problem persists.
Device Fail
An internal error has been
detected by the operating
the 8-digit hexadecimal failure
1. Select the Clear function from the
Status screen.
2. Provide the 8-digit failure code
shown (
) to your service