GL-8 Issue 2 December 1996
A software program housed within a network management
station. The manager has the ability to query agents, receive
agent responses, and set specific variables using various SNMP
Management Information Base. The set of variables a gateway
running SNMP maintains. Standard, minimal MIBs have been
defined, and vendors often have private enterprise MIBs. In
theory, any SNMP manager can talk to any SNMP agent with a
properly defined MIB. MIB-II refers to an extended management
database that contains variables not shared by SNMP.
Network Device Interface Specification. The NDIS specification
is used for all communication with network adapters. The
specification was developed by Microsoftr and 3COM to provide
a common programming interface for MAC drivers and transport
drivers. NDIS works primarily with LAN manager and allows
multiple protocol stacks to share a single network interface card.
network address
A unique number associated with a host that identifies it to other
hosts during network transactions. This is the network portion of
an IP address. For a class A network, the network address is the
first byte of the IP address. For a class B network, the network
address is the first two bytes of the IP address. For a class C
network, the network address is the first three bytes of the IP
address. In each case, the remainder is the host address. In the
Internet, assigned network addresses are globally unique.