6212-A2 and 6382-A1 ADSL Router User’s Guide
Enforce MRU: Check this box if you experience problems accessing the Internet over a PPPoE
connection. This feature will force all TCP traffic to conform with PPP MRU by changing TCP
Maximum Segment Size to PPP MRU.
Debug: Enables PPPoE connection debugging facilities. Debugging is talked about later.
Figure 6 (PPPOE Connection Setup)
Click on the Apply button. The Apply button will temporarily save this configuration. To make the change
permanent, click on Tools (at the top of the page) and select System Commands. At the system commands page,
click on Save All. DHCP Connection Setup
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) allows the router to automatically obtain the IP address from
the server. This option is commonly used in situations where IP is dynamically assigned and is not known
prior to assignment.
To configure the router for a DHCP connection:
1. Click on Setup and then click on New Connection. The default DHCP connection setup is displayed.
2. At the Type field, select DHCP. The DHCP connection setup page is displayed. Figure 7 illustrates a
typical DHCP configuration.
3. Give your DHCP connection a unique name. The name must not have spaces and cannot begin with
numbers. In this example the unique name is DHCP1.
4. Select the encapsulation type (LLC or VC); if you are not sure just use the default mode.