
November 1996
10. Perform a power reset:
For a standalone modem, turn the Power switch to the Off position, then to the ON position, or
For a carrier-mounted modem, release the lock, slide the modem part of the way out of the carrier, then
replace it and lock it in place.
11. Set the SDC configuration options suitable for your environment. See Tables 1 and 2.
Installing the SDC Feature Using AT Commands
To install SDC using AT commands, use this procedure.
1. Attach a DTE to the modem.
2. Load the Async Dial factory template:
From the DCP, select Async Dial from the Factory group of the Configure branch, or
If AT commands are enabled, enter the AT&F0 command.
3. Install the SDC feature. Enter the command: AT&&I12=011993
The modem responds OK.
4. Perform a power reset. Enter the command: ATZ9
5. Check the installed features. Enter the command: AT&&I0
The modem responds with a list of features installed in your modem, including SDC.
6. Set the SDC configuration options suitable for your environment. See Tables 3 and 4.
Menu Status and Result Codes
When SDC is active and the modem is online, the top line of the DCP display shows Online:mrV42t,
Leased:mrV42t, Backup:mrV42t, or Stndby:mrV42t, where mr is the modem rate. For example,
Online:33.6V42t is displayed on the DCP of a modem using SDC and connected to a dial line at 33,600 bits per
second (bps).
When extended result codes are set to contain the data compression protocol, and SDC is active, connect
messages include the characters V42t. For example, when a modem with SDC active connects to a dial line at
33,600 bps, the result code CONNECT 33600/V42t/RX=33600/TX=33600 is sent to the DTE.