Glossary-113830-A2-GB91-30 August 1998
tone dialing One of two dialing methods, in which telephone
numbers are sent as tones across the telephone
training A process where two modems try to establish a
connection over the VF line.
UL Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc.
UNIX Dial A factory preset configuration area containing the
configuration options most often used in a UNIXr
dial network.
USOC Universal Service Ordering Codes.
VF Voice Frequency. The part of the audio
frequency range used to transmit voice sound
(usually 300 Hz to 3400 Hz). This band is used by
the modem for its modulated signal.
XOFF A character that tells the DTE or modem to stop
transmitting data.
XON A character that tells the DTE or modem to start or
resume transmitting data.