COMSPHERE 3800Plus Modems
8-40 November 1996 3980-A2-GB30-20
Table 8-8
(2 of 3)
Miscellaneous Configuration Options
Speaker Volume: Medium
Nxt Medium Low High
Speaker Volume. Controls the level of speaker volume.
The factory default is Medium.
NOTE: Speaker Volume can also be temporarily set using the Control branch; however, a reset or power cycle will
restore the modem to the Speaker Control and Speaker Volume configuration option settings.
AT command equivalent is L
Access frm Remt: Enable
Nxt Enable Disable
Access from Remote. Determines if your modem’s DCP can be accessed by a remote modem via the VF line.
If this configuration option is disabled, the modem cannot be accessed by another modem, and the Clone to Remote
feature is not available.
Enable – Allows access from a remote modem.
Disable – Does not allow access from a remote modem.
The factory default templates do not affect Access from Remote.
NOTE: The remote modem must be a 3800
AT command equivalent is S-register S55=
RemAccssPasswrd: 00000000
Nxt " 00000000
Remote Access Password. Allows the entry of a password for establishing control of a remote modem from the DCP of a
local modem. The same password must be used in both the local and remote modem.
NOTE: If the Access from Remote configuration option is set to Disable, the password has no effect.
AT command equivalent is S-registers S56, S57, S58
and S59=
Dir#1_Callback: Disable
Nxt Disable Enable
Directory location 1 Callback. This configuration option controls whether or not the modem’s single number callback
function is used.
Disable – Modem does not use the single number callback function.
Enable – Modem answers a call, disconnects, and dials the number stored in directory location 1.
NOTE: This function is disabled if dial access security is enabled.
The factory default is Disable.
AT Command equivalent is S67=
NetMngmtAddress: 256
Nxt "
Network Management Address. Determines the address used when accessing a locally attached modem from the
6700 Series NMS. This configuration option is ignored by remote modems.
Address values range from 001 to 256.
The factory default templates do not affect Network Management Address.
AT command equivalent is S-register S75=