COMSPHERE 3800Plus Modems
Glossary-4 October 1998 3980-A2-GB30-40
Data Terminal Ready. A signal from the DTE to the modem, sent via Pin 20 of the
EIA-232 interface (V.24 circuit 108/1, /2), that indicates the DTE is turned ON and connected to
the modem.
A temporary work area used to view and change configuration options from the DCP without
impacting modem operation. The edit area can be loaded from one of five configuration option
areas: Active (Operating), Active (Saved), Customer 1, Customer 2, or Factory.
Electronic Industries Association. This organization provides standards for the data
communications industry to ensure uniformity of interface between DTEs and DCEs.
Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory.
An algorithm used to detect and correct data transmission errors.
Default setting is +++. This sequence lets you switch your modem from Data mode to Command
Enhanced Throughput Cellular. A proprietary analog cellular transmission protocol.
An asynchronous message (in either numbers or words) that includes VF data rate and error
control information that the modem sends to the DTE after executing or trying to execute a
A predetermined set of configuration options containing the optimum settings for operation on
asynchronous dial networks.
A modem capable of emulating some features of a fax machine. Working under the control of fax
software, a fax modem can communicate with a fax machine or with another fax modem.
A program or system of programs installed on a computer that allows a fax modem to send and
receive facsimile images.
Federal Communications Commission. The Board of Commissioners that regulates all electrical
communications that originate in the United States.
A process in which devices stop and start the flow of data in a network to avoid losing data.
The portion of a device that continuously provides status information about the device’s
operation and allows an operator to manage its operation. A generic term used for both the
standalone and carrier-mounted models.
The capability to transmit in two directions simultaneously.
One of three keys on the DCP that allows you to select or scroll to an LCD entry. Function keys
are labeled F1, F2, and F3.
A fax standard that specifies a rate of transmission of about one page per minute.
The capability to transmit in two directions, but not simultaneously.
The exchange of predetermined codes and signals (tones) to establish a connection between
two modems. During handshaking the modems determine the modulation, rate, and type of error
control they will use.
A symbol appearing in the upper right-hand corner of the LCD, indicating that more selections
are available than what appears on the LCD.
A computer attached to a network that shares its information and devices with the rest of the
Hertz. A unit of frequency that equals one cycle per second.
Information about a particular data communications device, including the serial number, model
number and software version number.
edit area
error control
escape sequence
extended result codes
factory defaults
fax modem
fax software
flow control
front panel
function key
Group III
half duplex
hidden choice