
COMSPHERE DualFlow Data Service Units
5-8 December 1996 3615-A2-GB20-20
Table 5-2
(2 of 3)
DSU Port Configuration Options
LSD Lead: Std
Next Std Delay FrcOn Prev
Line Signal Detect Lead
. Controls behavior of the Line Signal Detect lead.
Std LSD lead goes Off in response to a control mode idle (CMI) signal from the DDS network or DDS failure.
Delay LSD does not go Off in response to a network alarm condition or CMI. LSD goes Off only after a
successful backup connection is established.
FrcOn Keeps LSD on as long as the DSU has power.
DSR FrcOn: Enab
Next Enab Disab Prev
Data Set Ready Forced On
. Provides the ability to override any other options controlling the Data Set Ready lead.
Enab DSR remains ON as long as the device is working, regardless of tests and network alarms.
Disab DSR functions as an active lead reflecting various test and alarm conditions and other options.
SystemStat: Enab
Next Enab Disab Prev
System Status
. Controls the behavior of the DSR lead in response to a No Signal, Out-of-Service, or Out-of-Frame alarm
from the network.
Enab Network alarm turns Off DSR.
Disab Network alarm does not affect DSR.
DSR on Tst: Enab
Next Enab Disab Prev
Data Set Ready On in Test
. Controls the behavior of the DSR lead during testing.
Enab DSR is ON continuously during testing, allowing a DTE that relies on DSR being ON to send test
messages to the DSU.
Disab DSR is Off during testing.
Circ Assur:Disab
Next Enab Disab Prev
Circuit Assurance
. Controls behavior of the CTS lead in response to a data signal from the network. If CTS Cntrl is set to
RTS and RTS Cntrl is set to FrcOn, this configuration option is ignored.
A DDS Facility Alarm condition turns Off the CTS lead, regardless of the Circuit Assurance setting.
Enab The DSU will turn Off the CTS lead if the DSU receives control mode idle (CMI) from the network.
Disab The DSU is not affected by the receipt of CMI.
Next Enab Disab Prev
Respond to Remote Digital Loopback
. Determines whether the DSU responds to a V.54 Remote Loopback request.
Enab Performs a Digital Loopback.
Disab Ignores the Loopback command.