DSU Operations
5-273610-A2-GB41-60 March 1999
When the message Command Complete is displayed,
any key except the key returns you to the Digital Test
submenu, where the Dsply and Clr selections appear. If
Clr is selected while the test is running, the test starts
DBM DT: Final
Err Secs: 0
If the test is still running, the top line displays Active
instead of Final, and the results are updated in real time.
Table 5-6 defines the information displayed after a Digital
Test is completed.
Table 5-6
Digital Test Results
Information Displayed
Time: Running test timer. The Clr
selection resets the timer to
Tot Error: Running count of bits in error; if
the maximum error count of
64,000 is reached, max
appears. The Clr selection
resets the counter to 0.
Err Secs: Running count of errored
seconds. The Clr selection
resets the counter to 0.
Run on:
If this test was not run on an
aggregate data path, the Digital
Test was run on port
For an example of Digital Test results, refer to the
COMSPHERE 3600 Series Data Service Units,
Models 3610 and 3611, Dial Backup Module and SNA
Diagnostic Interface Options, Applications Guide.
End-to-End Test
The End-to-End (EE) test is used to analyze a control
and tributary DSU or DBM and the network circuit
between them in both directions independently
(Figure 5-11). If an End-to-End test is performed, the
in-band secondary channel transport communications are
This test is a half-duplex test that runs in both DSUs
and DBMs. Each DSU and DBM sends the same pattern
to the other and checks the incoming pattern for errors.
During the test, the TXD, RXD, and RTS indicators show
internal activity (which may differ from the states of the
same leads at the DTE interface).
A test between two DBMs requires a dial network
connection between them. DTE connections to the
modules are not required. The End-to-End test is
performed on a DBM and is session-disruptive when a
dial backup session is active and nondisruptive when it is
not active.
To access the End-to-End test from the top-level menu,
make the following selections:
• Local (F1)
• Test
• DSU or DBM (select active core)
• EE
• Start
• Trib Address (if a control)
• # Blocks