The following are possible broadcast types with their accompanying on-screen displays. The signal being
received is indicated with a “ ” mark while the se lect ed audio mode is indicated with an arrow. To change the
audio mode for these broadcasts, fol low the “Select Audio Mode for TV Viewing” sec tion (be low.)
MTS Stereo and SAP broadcast
Multi-channel Television Sound Stereo (main lan guage) and Secondary
Au dio Program (sub lan guage) broad casts are both be ing received
si mul ta ne ous ly. Select the STEREO or SAP audio mode.
MTS Stereo broadcast
Multi-channel Television Sound Stereo broadcast. Se lect STEREO
audio mode.
• If stereo broadcast is weak and the display fl ickers, select MONO audio
mode for pos si bly better results.
SAP broadcast
Secondary Audio Program (sub language.)
Select SAP audio mode for the sub language.
MONO broadcast
Normal monaural sound broadcast.
Receivable Broadcast Types
Press SAP button to select the desired audio mode as described below.
(Arrow shows selection.)
• Each press of SAP button will change the audio mode as shown below.
• “SAP” is selected with fi rst press of SAP button.
Select Audio Mode for TV Viewing
Mute / Freeze / SAP