The hydraulic system of your log splitter requires careful inspection along with the mechanical parts. Be sure to
replace frayed, kinked, cracked or otherwise damaged hydraulic hoses or hydraulic components.
NEVER checkforleaksofhydraulicuidwithyourhand.Fluidescapingfromasmallholecanbealmostinvisible.
Leaks can be safely detected by passing a piece of cardboard over the suspected leak and looking for discoloration.
NEVER remove the cap from the hydraulic tank or reservoir while the log splitter is running. The tank could contain hot
oil under pressure which could result in serious injury.
service technician should perform this adjustment.
ALWAYS seekprofessionalmedicalattentionimmediatelyifinjuredbyescapinghydraulicuid.Seriousinfectionor
reaction can develop if proper medical treatment is not administered immediately.
ALWAYS be sure to relieve all pressure by shutting off the engine and moving the valve control handle back and forth
NEVER llthegastankwhiletheengineishotorrunning.Allowtheenginetocoolbeforerefueling.
ONLY refuel your log splitter in a clear area with no gas fumes or spilled gas.
ALWAYS replace the gas cap securely.
If gasoline has spilled, move the log splitter away from the area of the spill and avoid creating any source of ignition until
the spilled gas has evaporated.
ALWAYS store gasoline in an approved, tightly sealed container and away from heating appliances. Store the container in
a cool, dry place.
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ALWAYS perform all recommended maintenance procedures before using your log splitter.
ALWAYS check the level of hydraulic oil and engine oil before operation.
ALWAYS periodicallycheckthatallnuts,bolts,screws,hydraulicttingsandhoseclampsaretight.
ALWAYS replace all damaged or worn parts immediately.