Fig. 3.11: RJ-45F connector
Module connectors
• T-port bus – RJ45/STP
Key to LED colours
Tab. 3.12: Key to T-port module LEDs
LINK – ETH link integrityred
Act – network activegreen
A description of connector wiring is in chapter ???.
3.8. Supply Connector
Terminals of this connector are labelled in the standard manner. Only DC voltage in the range from
10.8 to 15.6 V can be connected. Connecting higher voltage may damage the radio modem.
Terminal PI (power indicator) - if the radio modem is fed from the MS2000 power supply information
about supply method from source clamp MAIN PWR OFF can be lead:
Fig. 3.12: Power connector & information LED
• level TTL1 or unconnected clamp - network
• level TTL0 or grounded clamp - battery supply
Maximal supply cable length is 3 m.
3.9. Information LED
Information LED diodes next to the supply connector:
• RF Tx — radio modem transmits RF frequency into antenna
• RS SYNC — radio modem received message header which was determined for it
• Three following LED (signal strength):
RSS -85dBm and strongerONONON
RSS -85 až -95dBmONONOFF
RSS -95 až -115dBmONOFFOFF
RSS -115dBm and weakerOFFOFFOFF
• POWER ON — radio modem is correctly supplied
3.10. Service Connector
The service connector RJ-12 serves for short-term connections of the service cable during local adjust-
ment of radio modem parameters. Upon attaching the connector (connecting to the RS232 link (RxD,TxD,
GND)) the radio modem automatically switches to service mode and the module slot 1 disconnects.
Slots numbering see section Section 3.11, “View of Radio Modem”.
19© RACOM s.r.o. – Wideband modems – PROFI MX160