Cause of Fluctuations Examples of Fluctuation
Water and food intake
1 to 2 hours after breakfast, lunch, or dinner
Changes in blood circulation
After taking a bath or shower, immediately after
exercising, in extreme environments (warm or cold),
during illness or extreme fatigue
What is Body Fat Percentage?
Body fat percentage refers to the amount of body fat mass in regards to
the total body weight described in a percentage.
This OMRON Fat Loss MONITOR with Scale will provide your specific
body fat percentage and body weight. It is also an excellent tool to
estimate your body fat percentage and measure body weight on
a continuous schedule.
Body fat percentage (%) = {Body fat mass
(pound) / Body weight (pound)} × 100
Body fat readings may be affected by the change of water content in
the body.
A person's hydration level and blood circulation may have an
effect on their body fat reading. In the table below are some situations which could affect the reading.
Fat-free mass
Fat mass
Principles of Body Fat Percentage Calculation
The OMRON Fat Loss MONITOR with Scale estimates the body fat percentage by the Bioelectrical
Impedance (BI) method.
What is the Bioelectrical Impedance Method?
Muscles, blood vessels and bones are body tissues having a high water content that conduct electricity
easily. Body fat is tissue that has little electrical conductivity. The Fat Loss MONITOR with Scale sends
an e
xtremely weak electrical current of 50 kHz and less than 500 µA through your body to determine the
amount of fat tissue.
This weak electrical current is not felt while operating the Fat Loss MONITOR with Scale.
Correct posture and consistent measuring conditions need to be maintained for the best results.
How to estimate the body fat percentage.
DXA (Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry) has been the established method for accurate evaluation
of body composition. OMR
ON has used research information from several hundred people using the
DXA method to develop the formula by which the Fat Loss MONITOR with Scale works. The body fat
mass and body fat percentage is calculated by a formula that includes five factors:
electrical resistance, height, weight, age and gender
What is the DXA method?
The DXA method uses two different frequency X-Rays and rates of absorption of the body and
determines the value based on the difference between the two. OMRON has collected information on
people from 10 to 80 years of age using this method.
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