
8 Storage Media
1: 16MB Compact Flash card ( CF )
3: 128 MB CF card
X: other options
9 Case/Mounting
1: standard Panel Mounting
2: Bench top / Portable style with handle
10 Special Option:
0: none
1: 24VDC auxiliary power supply ( for transmitter, 6 channels )
2: 3-channel analog output
3: 6-channel analog output
4: 9-channel analog output X: other options
Part no. Description
AI181, AI182, AI183 1, 2, 3-channel analog input card (TC, RTD, mA, voltage )
AI181V, AI182V, AI183V 1, 2, 3-channel voltage input card (+, - voltage only)
DI181 6-channel digital input card
DO181 6-channel relay output card ( AC/DC )
CM181 RS-232/422/485 + Ethernet COMM module
CM182 Standard Ethernet COMM module
PM181 90-250 VAC, 47-63 Hz power supply
PM182 11-18 VDC power supply module
PM183 18-36 VDC power supply module
AP181 24 VDC auxiliary power supply card for 6 transmitters
MK183 bench top / portable handle assembly kit
CF016 16MB compact flash card
CF064 64MB compact flash card
CF128 128MB compact flash card
AS181 Basic PC software Observer I
AS182 Extensive PC software Observer II
UMVR181 User’s Manual
BT181 Boot ROM without Math, Counter & Totalizer
BT182 Boot ROM with Math, Counter & Totalizer
SC181 Slot cover for vacant slot
SNA10A RS-485 to RS-232 converter
AO183 3-channel analog output card
The rear Slots of the recorder will only accept up to 6 optional cards of input, output or 24
VDC power supply. For example, 12-channel analog input needs 4 pcs. of 3-channel
analog input card AI183. Now it is left 2 empty Slots for other cards.
The basic PC software Observer I is supplied free together with recorder. There is an
additional charge for the extensive PC software Observer II supplied with communication
of RS-232/422/485 or Ethernet.